Keep Your Life Vital

Seeking Solidarity in a Time of Division

Seeking Solidarity in a Time of Division

We are witnessing the fallout from at least four years on increasing divisiveness in our country. With results of the 2020 general election still in doubt, the intensity of the polarization remains all too apparent. We know that the heat of polarization can be inflamed, so that “different” becomes “unrecognizable,” and this, in turn, becomes “unacceptable” or “intolerable.” Is this suspiciousness and rejection of “the other” avoidable?

A Shrinking Focus

A Shrinking Focus

We are beset each day by the enormity of challenges we are facing; To name but a few: The pandemic. Climate change. The November election. The world economy. Family and health security when facing joblessness. Any one of them can feel overwhelming. Together, they can leave us feeling swamped by a global tsunami of worry, despair, fear, disconnection, and loss. What we can do is often right in front of us, if only we learn to see the details that sit beneath our “big” picture preoccupation.

Lassoing Happiness

If I had to identify the one common denominator that every client I have ever seen brings to their sessions with me over the past 30 years of practice, it would be their unhappiness. That unhappiness comes in many forms and sizes. But one way or another, it is always there. To create your personal happiness plan, read on.

Why are Relationship Struggles so Common and so Challenging

Excuse me for being a bit skeptical about relationship therapies. Given that I work with many couples of all shapes, sizes, and ages, that may be surprising, or even confusing….Aren’t there some basic, common sense, and proven truths about what creates relationship struggles and challenges and what can be done to help you to get back on track toward a more satisfying, rewarding, and fulfilling relationship? Thankfully, the answer is yes.

Awash in Neuro-Chemical Data and Still Uncertain What You Want or Need?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the “recipe” for loving relationships could be distilled into just a few words? The complexity of individual and interpersonal needs that intersect in our relationships prevents any simplistic, one-size-fits-all solution. But, there are several timeless skills that appear over and over as essential to cultivating strong, loving, and lasting relationships. In this post, I connect the brain’s functioning to relationship health. I hope you enjoy it!

A Single Step to Whole Health

Are you interested in one step you can take that requires only time and consistency to obtain a cascade of benefits affecting your mental well-being, your heart, immune function, brain health, and the rate of cell aging? Read on…

Relationally Yours...

I just submitted an essay I was asked to write for a professional journal that explores the relevance of the therapeutic relationship to the practice of psychotherapy. The article's research reinforces what you would suspect: more than any other single variable, the quality of the therapeutic relationship is what most determines treatment outcomes. But, the article reveals even more about relationships and health. Read on to learn more.

Endings and Beginnings

For millennia, the world’s great wisdom traditions have taught about two seemingly contradictory truths: life is fleeting, so don’t waste time. Make every moment count. They have also taught that life is precious and to be enjoyed, so don’t get too bogged down in the details. Things are rarely as important as they might appear in the long run. If you find yourself stuck at one end of this continuum or the other, read on.

Why Resilience Requires Failing

Do you want to be described as resilient? Most people do. Resilient people are “winners,” it seems. They are people who can take what life dishes out and respond in ways that make them, wiser, stronger, more compassionate and loving, and able to live life to the fullest no matter what. There is certainly value to wisdom, strength, compassion, love, and tenacity. But, I find that resilience, from a neurobiological view, involves something different. Read on to learn about "neuro-resilience," and how pain and failure are necessary life experiences for developing it.