Keep Your Life Vital

Who Hides Behind the Masks We Wear?

The central issue remains for us all: Is our public face authentic? Robert Johnson said that who we show ourselves to be in public represents our “psychological clothing.” That clothing is like a mask we wear as we attempt to show the world who we want the world to believe we are, while at the same time hiding or “masking” the parts of ourselves we have come to believe are unwanted, unaccepted, unworthy, unvalued, or in some other way undeserving of being shown in public. Who are we beneath our psychological clothing?

Modeling Autumn's Courage

Fall is here. I am just more than halfway between the date of my father’s passing and the date of his gravestone’s unveiling.

Seasonal changes. Transitions in weather. Transitions in life. They are inevitable, can be instructive, and often operate as necessary signposts that mark our evolving journey through life.